ProjectWise Administrator Help

Changing the Full Text Index Storage Location

When you install ProjectWise Integration Server with the Automated File Processing > Full Text Indexing option enabled, ProjectWise sets the default full text index storage location to C:\ProgramData\Bentley\pw-index-storage.

As you run text extractions, ProjectWise downloads copies of documents from the datasource and stores them in a temporary extraction folder on the ProjectWise Integration Server computer. For each document that gets processed, ProjectWise creates an intermediate file (*.DMSINDEX) which contains the text extracted from the document. These intermediate files get stored in a subfolder (one subfolder for each indexed datasource) under the main index storage folder. For example:







Use the steps below if you need to change the full text index storage location.

  1. On the ProjectWise Integration Server computer where the full text index catalog and intermediate files are stored, stop the following services in the Services window:
    • ProjectWise Orchestration Framework Service
    • Windows Search

    The default index storage location is:


    This location is set by the following registry string:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bentley\ProjectWise\Automated File Processing\FtrIndexDataDir
  2. In File Explorer, create a new folder where you want to copy the contents of the index storage folder to.

    For example: D:\Bentley\pw-index-storage

  3. In File Explorer, open the existing index storage folder, select the dms_catalogs.xml file and all of the subfolders (where the intermediate files are stored), then copy them to the new index storage folder you just created.
  4. Open the Windows Registry Editor and find the following key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bentley\ProjectWise\Automated File Processing
  5. Under that key, modify the value of the FtrIndexDataDir string so that it points to the new index storage folder.

    For this example: D:\Bentley\pw-index-storage

  6. Close the Registry Editor.
  7. Restart the services in the Services window:
    • ProjectWise Orchestration Framework Service
    • Windows Search